How to Secure Your Facebook Account From Getting Hacked ~ Tips & Trix & Games & Androids Apps
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Friday, 4 January 2013

How to Secure Your Facebook Account From Getting Hacked

How to Secure Your Facebook Account From Getting Hacked

Facebook Hacking and scams are growing more and more nowadays and many accounts getting hacked everyday.
So we have to protect it from hackers and friends who trying to hack our FB account. Making your Facebook account secure is not a difficult thing.
Follow the steps below to make your facebook account secure :

1. Use Strong Password For Your Account.

( You can go to these website to make some incredibly strong passwords &  )

It needs to contain special characters such as @#$%^&
It must be at least 8-10 characters long.
It must not have any common words such as 123, password, your birth date, your login name and any words that can be found in the dictionary.Never Use Your Mobile No. Or Routine Word as a Password.
A variation of capitalization and small letters

2. Turn On Secure Browsing And Login Notifications From Facebook Security Settings.
You Can Do That From Here :

 3. Got to
and check your password's strength (i checked mine's i got a score of 73% first then when i changed i got 100% secure one...!)

 Phishing is most used facebook hacking method used by peoples nowadays. To protect yourself from phishing sites Follow the below steps :
1. Never Enter Your Password Anywhere Else Except Facebook.
2. Use WOT Extension To Your Browser. This Extension Will Indicate Red Sign When You Visits Scam, Phishing Or Unsafe Site.

One another hacking trick used by many peoples are social engineering through email.
They sent you email as fake email address that similar to facebook or facebook’s email address itself (It can be done by some scripts out here on web) and ask you for password.

To Protect Yourself From This Type of Hack, Never Respond To Emails Like That.

The Other one is hacking by keyloggers. The keyloggers are a program, From which hackers can generate a file which they send to victim’s pc and the file steal password from keystrokes And send it to hacker.
To Protect From This, You Should Install Some Good Anti-Virus Or Anti-Malware Program to Your Pc

Hope you are feeling safer now....:-)
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How to Secure Your Facebook Account From Getting Hacked

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  1. Nice post!
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