Matrix Code Effect In Command Prompt ~ Tips & Trix & Games & Androids Apps
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Thursday, 11 July 2013

Matrix Code Effect In Command Prompt

Matrix Code Effect In Command Prompt

Matrix is a 1999 science fiction-action film written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski. The film depicts a future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality created by sentient machines to pacify and subdue the human population, while their bodies’ heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source.

Matrix wallpapers and Matrix effects are even popular today. When we hear the word ‘matrix’ first thing that come into our mind will be the green matrix effect.Here, I am going to show "How to make an matrix code effect in an command prompt"

  • Open the Notepad and just type/copy anyone of the below matrix code effect and save it as matrix.bat
  • Now open that matrix.bat file you will get an matrix effect in command prompt

Matrix Code Effect -I

title Hacker's Lodge Matrix Re-Reloaded 
color 2
echo 3     2   3   4     6     8   4  2   3  9  7 3   4  9   7    5  3 1 7 9  1 0 9 2 4  6 2 1  3       4  5       3       5 2   1      0 3     6 
echo 2     5   5  6 4      7  1 8  6     8  6  0  8 6 4 1   5 6 4 6     8   8 0 3  1 4 6 8  4  7   8      6   2  1 5   7
echo 5    8     9   2    3 6        8  7  1 2 5     3 6 5  4 2 0  8      9  4  0  3 7 4 2   2  8  9   2  0    1     5    6  5  8
echo 5   9  6 8      4 6   8  4  6 8 4         2 6 4 6        8 1  6   6 8 1  0 6 8  1 6  8   1  6     1        6      5  4       5     6   9         8 7   
echo 6       5 1       6    6 0          6          4 6       1 6  5 1       7  5  3 8    5  1 6  5 1 6 0 1 6      0 4      3 4  1  2  4 0   4   3  2
goto A
goto B
goto C

Matrix Code Effect -II
title Hacker's Lodge Matrix Re-Reloaded 
color 2 
dir /S /W /L /D /Q /R

Matrix Code Effect -III
title Hacker's Lodge Matrix Re-Reloaded 
@echo off
color 2
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto top

Here is an three different matrix code effect in command prompt it will be fun to make,

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Matrix Code Effect In Command Prompt

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